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Squares and cubes

The prompt explores the pattern made by the sum of consecutive cube numbers. Students are invited to make and then test conjectures. The resource includes the prompt, teacher notes, guided questions and extension prompts.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 7
Audience Teacher
Purpose Assessment task, Extension, Student task, Teaching resource
Format Downloadable resources
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Collaborative learning, Differentiated teaching, Explicit teaching, Feedback, Mathematics investigation
Keywords square numbers, cube numbers, consecutive, sum, pattern

Curriculum alignment

Curriculum connections Critical and creative thinking, Numeracy
Strand and focus Number, Apply understanding, Build understanding
Topics Multiples, factors and powers
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Describe the relationship between perfect square numbers and square roots, and use squares of numbers and square roots of perfect square numbers to solve problems

Numeracy progression Multiplicative strategies (P9)

Copyright details


Inquiry Maths


© Andrew Blair 2012-21. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0.