Parallel lines and the angle sum of a triangle Image

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Parallel lines and the angle sum of a triangle

From the AMSI ‘Supporting Australian Mathematics Project’, this resource gives detailed explanations for teachers and students of the curriculum content, worked examples and assessment questions.

Additional details

Year level(s) Year 7
Audience Teacher
Purpose Content knowledge, Teaching resource, Student task
Format Web page
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches Explicit teaching
Keywords Angles, Parallel, Co-interior, Alternate, Triangle, Interior

Curriculum alignment

Curriculum connections Critical and creative thinking, Numeracy
Strand and focus Space
Topics Angles and geometric reasoning
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions
Identify corresponding, alternate and co-interior relationships between angles formed when parallel lines are crossed by a transversal; use them to solve problems and explain reasons


Demonstrate that the interior angle sum of a triangle in the plane is 180° and apply this to determine the interior angle sum of other shapes and the size of unknown angles

Numeracy progression Understanding geometric properties (P6)

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© The University of Melbourne. Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0.