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Time: How long does it take?
This unit involves students looking at the length of time various activities take, and calculating how much time is spent on these activities in a week.
Additional details |
Year level(s) | Year 4 |
Audience | Teacher |
Purpose | Teaching resource |
Format | Web page |
Teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches | Differentiated teaching, Mathematics investigation, Explicit teaching, Classroom talks |
Curriculum alignment |
Strand and focus | Measurement |
Topics | Time |
AC: Mathematics (V9.0) content descriptions |
Solve problems involving the duration of time including situations involving "am" and "pm" and conversions between units of time |
Numeracy progression |
Measuring time (P4)
Copyright details |
Organisation | New Zealand Ministry of Education |
Copyright | © New Zealand Ministry of Education. Creative Commons BY 3.0 NZ. |
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